Privacy policy

What does Industry-Store do with my personal information?

Industry-Store uses personal information to enhance the overall shopping experience by providing you with better customer care. Positive customer identification allows us to contact the customer and ensure all their needs are met and handled appropriately and accurately. All personal information that we acquire is provided by each individual customer. It is this personal information, given to us by the customer, which allows Industry-Store to provide knowledgeable support by our customer care team. Benefits you may receive by allowing us to keep your personal information on hand include:

-- A Personal Internet Account : you'll be identified by every time you log in with your personal customer number so in the future you will save time by not having to submit your information again.

-- Order Status Updates : you'll receive order status updates through email notification, including order-confirmation and order-shipped.

-- Updates on Internet Specials : you'll receive updates on Internet specials you have requested.

-- Personalized, Knowledgeable Customer Care : our customer care team will be able to assist you promptly and accurately by identifying you and your preferences.